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Delce Academy


Admissions Consultation 2026

See 2025 admissions consultation process and timeline here.

In-Year Admissions

Applying for a place: Please complete either a School Admissions form or a Medway Council in-year application form 

Once a form is complete, please send it by email to or post to us; Admissions Officer, Delce Academy, The Tideway, Rochester, Kent ME1 2NJ.

Outcome of application: Application outcomes will be issued to parents in writing within 15 school days of receipt of the application form. The school will also call to ensure the information is received.

If an offer is made, a meeting will be made for you to attend our School to meet with the class teacher. This is so you can have a look around and discuss any educational needs.  A start date will be confirmed in person and writing. If an email address is provided, to save time the letter will be sent via email.

Transferring schools without moving: If a parent wishes to transfer their child from another school without moving home, we will contact the child’s current school to ascertain the situation so that our school is able to offer the correct support, should the child be offered a place. It is also expected that the parent/carer of the child, along with the child themselves when appropriate, visit our school and meet with a member of SLT and class teacher.

Offer of a place: Parent/carers must accept or refuse the offer of a place within 20 school days from the date of the offer letter. If a response is not received, the offer may be withdrawn and reallocated to another child. The acceptance/refusal form can be found at

If a place has been accepted, parents will be asked to complete a school admission form giving us further key information for our records, along with a request for a copy of the child's birth certificate.

Appeals: If an offer cannot be made, we will send the applicant a refusal letter explaining the reasons why an offer cannot be made. If you wish, your child's name will be added to the expression of interest list. Names are kept in priority order according to the oversubscription criteria and not according to how long the child's name has been on the list. The applicant has the right of appeal and information how an appeal can be logged. The appeal form can be found below.

Oversubscription Criteria: All application outcomes will be made in line with the schools' oversubscription criteria should we have more applications than spaces available. Our oversubscription criteria are as follows:

1. Looked after children and all previously looked after children, including those children who appear to Delce Academy to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted
2. Children in public care – as defined in the Medway Council Co-ordinated admissions scheme;
3. Children previously in Care outside of England - Children who appear to Delce Academy to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted. A child is regarded as having been in state care in a place outside of England if they were accommodated by a public authority, a religious organisation or any other provider of care whose sole purpose is to benefit society.
4. Current family association (a brother or sister attending Delce Academy at the time of application and still attending in September 2021),
5. Child’s health reasons. Medical evidence must be provided which demonstrates a specific health reason which requires a child to attend the preferred school,
6. Nearness of children’s homes and ease of access to schools (In the event of a tie within any criterion, before the last criterion, places will be allocated to those living closest to the school measured by the shortest available walking route.) Evidence of residence may be required.