Inspire Partnership Update on School Opening 12th May
Information for all parents regarding school opening
I am writing to provide an update from the Inspire Partnership in relation to the latest government advice regarding schools opening again for specific children in nursery, reception, year one and year six.
I would like to start by thanking you all for your continued support for schools, including staff and families. This has not been an easy time for anyone, especially households where a family member has contracted Covid-19. It goes without saying that staff across the Partnership have your children’s learning needs and well-being at the centre of our minds and remain committed to serving you as best we can. At the same time, we have a responsibility to ensure staff in each of our schools feel supported and protected when they come to work.
The government announcement that schools may start to re-open from Monday June 1st is welcome news for everyone. Staff have worked hard to plan for this and are following all of the government guidance to ensure we can open in a safe and responsible way.
From 1st June 2020 and subject to further direction from government, we will begin to open our nursery, reception, Year 1 and Year 6 classes for all pupils within those year groups. We will ensure measures are put in place to keep children safe, including class sizes kept to a maximum of 15 pupils, and follow strict guidance as set out by the government. We will send out specific information to parents of returning pupils about how we will manage this process. Parents who wish to can access the latest government guidance about our plans from the DfE website link here:
Hard copies of the parental guidance will be made available upon request.
In addition to the above, from this week, we will send out a weekly parental Trust newsletter for all families to provide updates and reassurance about our plans to gradually welcome pupils back. The updates will include information relating to a range of information items and related news.
In the meantime, we continue to provide home learning packs, electronically and in hard copy form where requested. We are also doing all we can to ensure we keep in touch with families via phone calls, tweets and video links. If you have experienced any challenges with regards to the food vouchers or with home learning we want you to contact headteachers as soon as you can so that we can support you in addressing this.
Lastly, thank you for your continued support for our school communities. We really do appreciate this.