Thank you for your support in ensuring pupils are kept safe and well during this unprecedented time with the Coronavirus outbreak. As a school, we are hugely appreciative of how our community has come together to support one another.
With regards to our Trust wide position, we remain committed to following the latest government advice. From January 2021, we have been closed and only open to those children identified as vulnerable or those who are children or critical workers.
Under this COVID-19 tab, you will find all our communication to parents relating to this matter. This page will be continually updated with all our letters so please do keep checking for updates. This is where you can also find our risk assessment and guidance. Additionally, you can contact the school via telephone or email should you have a specific question, or matter, you would like to discuss.
In Policies, you can see key policies, as well policies which have been slightly updated due to COVID.
In Guidance & Risk Assessment, you can find our risk assessment, school guidance as well as government guidance DfE contact information.
In Resources and Safeguarding, there are links to key charities for children and adults, financial information aid links, local Medway support, local food bank information as well as safeguarding children apps.